Thursday, September 19, 2013

Energy Saving Products and Services

Home energy performance is based on building science that tells us your house is a system made up of smaller systems that all work together. Therefore any time you adjust or change one part it, it affects the other parts. We offer a comprehensive list of improvements that are designed to work together to give you a safe, efficient and comfortable home.

Air Sealing

Air Leakage represents up to 4O% of energy loss costs in your home. It also gives your home that drafty feeling. Air sealing is the most cost effective way you can increase energy efficiency in your home. Your home acts like a chimney with heat always rising up through the interior of your home, up through your attic while being replaced by outside air coming in through holes in the basement. We can seal those holes and slow down the air leakage, thus keeping the conditioned air you paid for in the home longer and allowing your heating and cooling equipment to run less. Some of the specific areas our insulators target and seal are rim joists, electrical, plumbing & heat duct penetrations and any other areas that allow air to enter or exit your home.
  • Save energy
  • Increase comfort
  • Reduce vermin access to the indoors
  • Enhance fire safety


Heat transmission is the leading cause of winter heat loss for the average home. Insulation slows heat transmission through the floor, walls and ceiling. A properly insulated home will be more comfortable with less temperature variations throughout your home. Proper insulation levels are essential to an energy efficient and comfortable home. Our Energy consultant’s custom design insulation improvements for your home using energy star guidelines. Because every home is different, we offer a number of insulation options including cellulose, 2-part spray foam, and fiberglass. Our professionally trained insulation crews provide top quality work while making sure your home is protected.
  • Attic Insulation
  • Exterior Wall Insulation
  • Rim Joist Insulation
  • Save Energy
  • Enhance Comfort
  • Add Structural Strength
  • Reduce noise

Attic Ventilation

Poor attic ventilation contributes to shortened roof life, mold and mildew on your roof deck, and icicles. Your attic should be closed to the outdoor temperature in the winter months and removing excess moisture is critical. Home builders often cut costs by venting bath fans to the attic rather than the outdoors. When warm, moist air is introduced to a cold attic, moisture collects on the roof deck damaging it and creating mold. The warm air also melts the snow on your roof which freezes at the gutter creating icicles. Your Isaac energy consultant will calculate the proper ventilation needed for your attic. Our insulation crews will install soffit, static or gable ventilation and add the proper materials and terminations to your bath vents.
  • Attic ventilation (soffit, static gable and bath fan)
  • Control moisture migration
  • Increase roof life
  • Reduce icicles
  • More even temperatures during the cooling season

Glass Block Windows

We offer a number of different styles of glass block windows. Glass block windows are a great way to improve the safety of your home while also increasing your homes efficiency. Leaky basement windows are one of the ways cold air infiltrates your home in the winter.

Heating & Cooling Equipment

Isaac is the authority on Heating and cooling equipment with over 68 years in the industry. Through our auditing process we can properly size your equipment for the way your home currently sits as well as how insulation and air sealing improvements will affect the sizing. With efficiencies up to 95% on new equipment it can start paying for itself in a relatively short period of time. With all of the new technology available you will increase efficiency while increasing your comfort. Our installation teams are the most knowledgeable and well equipped in the industry. Our installation mechanics go to Isaac University weekly to stay up to date on the latest industry changes.
  • Furnaces
  • Boilers
  • Air Conditioning
  • Generators
  • Water Heating
  • Electrical Services
  • Comfort
  • Efficiency
  • Safety

Renewable Energy

Green Energy is here to stay; it’s a great way to save money while decreasing your carbon footprint. Federal and State Tax credits and rebates make renewable energy more affordable than ever.
Uses the earth to heat and cool your home. This is a great option for oil and propane customers and can save you up to 75% of your heating, cooling and hot water costs.
Installing a geothermal system can offset your energy costs while helping the environment by using a natural heat source to heat your home.
Using a single geothermal heat pump is equivalent to planting an acre of trees.
Federal credits are available up to 3O%.
Installing solar can offset your electric bill by 50-85%, with electric costs on the rise every year; there’s never been more of a reason to go green. There is a misconception that New York isn’t a good region for solar but the truth is we product 10% over what the systems are rated for and the best time to make power is on a cold clear day.
NYSERDA offers incentives up to $1O,5OO.OO per household.
The federal government offers a 3O% credit and NY State a 25% credit

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why Make the Move to SOLAR?

Isaac Home Energy Performance Carefully inspects your home to identify all energy related issues, then prioritize smarter solutions for you.