Thursday, August 22, 2013

Water Heaters

We Repair, Replace, and Maintain Every Make & Model

Traditional, Tankless & Hybrid Water Heater Choices

We install, service and maintain gas, electric, oil and propane water heaters
Choose from traditional tank-style heaters, on-demand, tankless systems or hybrid heaters
We install new units or provide expert service within a few hours, even on weekends
Traditional Water Heaters

New models of traditional water heaters operate at up to 96% thermal efficiency
Improved venting of fumes for greater safety
Built-in auto shut off systems add protection in case of spills of flammable substances near the water heater
We can size a water heater to fit the needs of your family
Tankless Water Heaters

Heats hot water on demand, not continuously
Eliminates over 85% of flue gas wasted by standard water heaters, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by at least 420 lbs. per unit per year
98% energy efficiency for lowest annual operating cost and fastest payback (compared to traditional water heaters)
Receive hot water much faster than via traditional tank heaters
Endless supply of hot water
Hybrid Water Heaters

Hybrid water heaters are the new milestone in water heating – built for the way people ACTUALLY live and use hot water.
The product combines the best features of the tankless (forever hot water, high thermal efficiency, which means the lowest operating cost), and conventional technologies (fast hot water delivery to your point of use) to create a new category of water heating.

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